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OrbitfyEdge delivers space insights in near-real time by running AI/ML software on a network of satellites to process data directly in space, overcoming the bottleneck of downlinking raw data to Earth.


Disaster Management
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Get instantly notified about wildfires within seconds

Estimate damages by calculating burnt and affected areas

Predict the rate of fire by combining current and historical imagery and alternate datasets

Check best evacuation routes, spread of fire and much more

Commodity Trading

Identify changes in supply chains by monitoring ports and warehouses

Get timely damage estimates for natural disasters

Verify claims using change detection models and high resolution satellite imagery

Obtain high resolution imagery for any area on Earth within seconds

Maritime Intelligence
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Identify and locate suspicious vessels using high resolution vessel detection models and timely AIS data

Get alerted about any unprecedented marine activity for areas of interest

Analyze shipping activity over time for any area on the planet

Get insights into vessel behavior and characteristics using imagery

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Analyze changes and detect anomalies in patterns of life for sensitive areas

Get unparalleled surveillance insights from remote areas

Monitor areas and get alerted at the slightest sign of activity

Monitor areas and get alerted at the slightest sign of activity

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